Thanks for organising the current events quiz. At last I can use current events in my classroom in an organised and controlled way without having to spend ages preparing it. We can expand or condense the quiz as much as time allows in any week.
Kay Vincent, The Gardens School Thank you for this wonderful invention – the current events quiz. It is brilliant and we have not missed a week. I use it with my IWB so we don’t even need to destroy the rainforest to use it. Thanks again and looking forward to next term!! Corinne Morris, St Josephs Primary My children and their families are loving it. My class take it home as a weekly challenge which they work on as a family. A great way to get the children interested in current affairs. St Thomas Primary As the end of the term draws near I would like to let you know how much we have enjoyed your quizzes. I download them every Monday morning and print off one hard copy in the staffroom to be referred to by whoever wants and put a copy on our staff intranet. The teachers are using the quizzes in a variety of ways, e.g chopping them up and matching the answers to the questions, research groups etc and we put one question a week in our newsletter with the answer the following week. Really a great resource and something we were talking about doing before I got your email last year so Well Done and Thanks! Melody Wilson, Konini School |
We have been very impressed with the quiz. We use it to help our students to realise that here is more going on in the world than what happens in Granville. Thanks for your efforts.
Delany College My gifted students have loved the challenge of "different" homework. I set it as optional and am pleasantly surprised how many students do it. Others like it as well. Great for self esteem that they think they are doing the ‘hard’ work! St Declan's Penshurst Just thought I’d let you know my class is loving doing the quizzes each week. Had parent meetings last night and they commented on how the children now watch the news and read the papers. They were shocked! Luella Donaldson, Totara Grove School I just want to thank you so much for you hard work and efforts this term to bring such a wonderful and wide ranging ideas and information to my class. All my students are so into the quiz and look forward each week to it. Keep up the awesome work you are doing and know that it is very much appreciated and used. Emile Valkenborg, Hautapu School Good on you, keep the quizzes coming. I have a running total on the go with my classes and boy oh boy, the tension is building for the end of term score! Ryan Gaffaney, St Johns College |